Monday, December 31, 2018

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Place, Limits, and Border.

Writen by: Yusni Tria Yunda.
A Place.
How the law necessary could built a conclude that often use about this kind of variable when the search and research report are taking a time?. And when this kind being a constanta in the process of proven the truth in a case toping on?.
The Writer think that a place conceipt has 7 (seven) defines on its phi_lost_of_phy became starting point as the zero (0), and minimal has 3 (three) defines that I just found it.
First: as The Math.
When The Writer learning about the square concept of The Math, with my best friend: Ichsan Nugraha when we were at Elementary School, we took more hours to learn the lesson from our teacher of The Math at that time (1992/1993): Maddam Rokayah, who teaching us also in the class of regular formaly school: SDN Nilem IV Bandung.
What I got from her in our together studying activities out of the formal regularly class was a minding about the exponentialy in ten (10) with some value of the 'power to' operations as quadrat if both of 'power to' are the same numberics. And when its been applicated to a side from a geometric type, such as a four corner which has the simetrical entities of longs, and also has the simetrical of wides, its become the square of that two dimension of side area.
It's enough for us to called it as: a place.
The limits of the place in those Math measure are the entity of wides and longs which count_able by us.
And the borders of it is the lines when its been drawed on the paper, nor when its seem by the eyes in the concrete views of the object which spoken about.
The Second: as The History Event (THE).
When The Writer knew to my neighbor at that time (1992): a man which called: Om Dadang, the alias of Mr. RADEN ACHMAD IRIYADI, or Mr. YADI, a teacher and a lecturer of Education of History, he teach me and another kids else amoung his house building in that time about the importances of a time concept in learning a history nor a law.
What I got about it is: an event was impossible being an event if there aren't two variables as a background of an event: times and spaces.
And comparing with the necessary useness of dating time of a letter, our Indonesia Declaration of Independence has a different year time wroten (use the year of Sumera measure) as its variable of history event place, not use a year which took from After Birth of Christian (A.B.C), or Century (Christian_ENTity_URgen_of_Y) method as its dating time on the letter.
But the place took the same place with the place that I know untill present is no changing its name: Jakarta, as its pronouns to mention, except its way to wrote: it must be follows the rule of language spelling systematic belong at the time event: "Djakarta".
And in the view of a law's concept of the state place, it is the some meaning as The Capitol City of Indonesia. Except in the demography context nor administration territoriality: of course there are many changes of variant_able (variables) about that place limits.
The Third: as Informatic.
Without left both of two points above, present I got another mindings as another meanings of the place concept, when an informatic's knowledge taking a new meaning about an address as the virtual places.
Standing by the 1st and 2nd points, the cases about place concept in the 3rd point is still applicate_able (applicable) to both for us to understanding the essence and main technique of transform a physical places as a virtual places with some consequences of it, such as: the registering process to have a use_right to make and using the address given by internetaly system and mechanism of its specific points law.
The Application of Google Maps is the modus frequence value using this tech of transform a physical place to the virtualy addresses ability to be touched by every user whom allowed by system setting acess.
With that: the statusess of allowness and ablility to got an acess to the virtual places, and the statusess of many variant of "may not" without a permit, I think become the rule of use as the limits that could protected the right of everyone in present.
The keyword to find and search, nor some type of sites recommendings, I think is the border outerest of the third concept.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

After The Lust: a New Fiqh Term Since Least Indianism Essence in Nusantara (1).

Writen by: Yusni Tria Yunda.

This post is a main idea of The Writer to make a propocal serve some observes about the theme of "modern" Islamic Law Terms after left The Lust in lathiyfah minded.

1st: The Back Ground.

A simple phenomena found by The Writer is belong to al_Baqoroh 261th, about a good seed. The Writer taking an applicating some cases founded of the result from giving meaning to the seed as the kind of a Good Intended, which it is has certain statement as its Aqod (contract) to Alloh.

2nd: Identifying Problem.

A question that emerge is about which Islamic Law statuses statements matchinger as the specify contract aqod in some case of self controlling after knowing The Syahwat (The Lust) and its protecting effort?.

That question being emerged by The Writer to applicating in general structure of Islamic Law as The Statuses of Laws, beyond: FARDLU, SUNNAT, MUBAH, MAKRUH, and HAROM.

In the early, at the year of 2016,  The Writter found that an Amaroh (Anggriness) is the second ring face on, if after could defeat a Syahwat. And a Fiqh terms, which as long as I know didn't yet has a way as jaharly (really being spoken clearly) to classified this thing in a Laws Concept on its structure of minding.

To make this assumpt stronger, a histrory part could helping descript a global route about trans "ism" of believing evolution progress. And we knew that India is a big entity as one from some "factory" of the world believes structure roots.

In Nusantara at the past and Indonesia today, The Ancient India fragment had recidues as the evidences for the peoples today who want to learn. It was an assimilation nor an acculturation seem in many sides chronological of history evidences. The reliefs drawen on Borobudur Temple's wall is one packet of historical evidences. And a personal experiences which The Writer did was proven that the essence of evidents is right.

With the way to did the experiences about that things, and to giving any new meaning about relation between The Writer experiences and the true essences of the relief, with both, can we talk that The Writer has bough the thinks.

As long during The Writer isn't yet doing his mixing experiences with the theories about that part of ancient Indianism cultures in Nusantara, he has a status: still borrowing his minding about it. And as the consequence of that thing is like as a status of financial notice method: has a Debt Post with certain values.

3rd: The Method and Technique to Solve.

To make easy the value of The Debt Post, we're could taking a reflexiology in traditional cures method as a technique and tools to transform the academical values he had about it.

Notice The Legality Letters on The Balance Sheet.

Writen by: Yusni Tria Yunda.
In The Balance Sheet, I ever ask about how the way to notice the prices or a value of The Documents as Legality Letters?. This question of me was according on my observes in that Lisence Scoupes which some business partitions has had it ambigous way to notice it on The Balance Sheet.
Here is my mean about between The Sales Report and The Balance Sheet Report. In one side: every cash money has been outed from the Cash Post, it must be notice on both of report. But as the first, of course it needing to notice in The Sales Report, before go to the accumulate fee out in The Balance Sheet.
During it value has been noticed in The Sales Report, it's value may could been inputed on The Class of Post Fees, and not in The Class of HPP (Higher Price to Produce) as the capital lost to making the things which will sale.
But as the consequence when the fees to making (registering) the documents of legality inputing to The Post Fees, is 'there isn't any ASSET POSTS which has being balanced with that way to notice'. It is the first princip.
To applicating this case between The Sale Report Posts of The Legality Letters Fee to the Balance Sheet Princip is 'whenever the capital value to buying or produce a commodities (HPP) has being noticed in The Sales Report, as the balancing: it should give a balances value condition to The Balance Sheet in the Assets Post'. But what was the Cash Post bough that we can notice to The Assets if the items are document of Legality Letters?.
The second: 'cause the value indicate of Legality Letters has a shrink value a part by the time left, and whenever its expired time has finish, The Businessman has to make re_registering of his lisece to operationing the business well, so that the notice process has an option to make an atittude for it as the same as The Tools Post or The Equipment Post in The Assets which both of them has The Accumulation of The Shrink Costs.
And The Writer is agreeing to the second of the descript above if we want to noticing some cost which it's been outed were by 'cause of registering some documents. The feed back of it is we can notice The Value of The Documents to the Asset Post in The Post of TOOLS (if the expired time under or same with 1 year), or in The Post of Equipment (if the expired time under 5 years but more over or same with 1 year as minimal time to expiring).

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Academical Documents of Yusni Tria Yunda: Pre Elementary School.

Writing & Editing by: Yusni Tria Yunda.
Phisical Maintenance by: Budi Priyatna.
Camera by: Arika Zakia Dwitria Yunda.

This posting is about the basic of some documentaries wroten which The Writer (Yusni Tria Yunda) has had. Saving by Mr. BUDI PRIYATNA in his familiy's place during many years pass, and today (22/12/2018, @12:16 AM): the phisical matter of the documents is still good at all.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Capital: as Linguistical and Philosophy.

By: Yusni Tria Yunda.*

Ka_PHI_ta, lingusticly is mention spelling  nearest a capital which bigger in comparing with something smallest/specificsm.

This way using a concept of The Math: so that in the "PHI" result, the point of al_Baqoroh 22th devide by 7 skies in the same suroh page 29th, is being needing to know the measure position amoung The Earth's slices and The Skies slices in certain times.

Why does the times is needing in The al_Ashr concept?. The Writer through that a place without a time is nothing. If there wasn't an event in the past, so there is no moment in present, and both of them just only could being an event and also a moment whenever the place has a space, and the time has had began.

As philosophy thinks this needing a matter for every things which has been created by Alloh in the first: called 'makhluq', which been created by 'Kholiq', in the process of 'kholaq' did by Alloh as 'Kholiq'.

One simple sample of an event: just one shies times of The Writer when 6 years old. One woman older: a teacher in The Primary School: Delima Primary School, she helped The Writer to taking up throser use by The Writer when it throwing down 'cause there was no belt in the waist and the throser was too longer for The Writer.

Not only her (the woman teacher) helped The Writer, one girl friend as classmate: Maharani, tried to help too. So they were two woman except The Writer's mother were became the first women who ever seen the thing inner of The Writer's throser. Shyed, but not seemed. And it wasn't a part of a test, of course. It was an event.

An event in the past possitive_able becoming a capital meanings whenever the doers of the event meet and relize a phenomena with some same indicates. And when able to built its relations minding between what past event having on and what sence_at_ion chemical reacting present 'cause the same phenomena, it become: a moment 😁.

Thats why an event is always being a certain of capital. Without any experiences in walking, a baby couldn't suddenly running out 'cause there's a dog barking. Why?. 'Cause the baby never ever know how the way to doing thoharoh if the tongue water from the dog's mouth make the baby getting wet on the skin.

We needing some words, any idioms, to sale_act between the case of The Writer descript above and The Baby after. How the age of them differs these two cases in multiply views and points to taking it objectively. And to select the in_fixatory fact_originaly, may be not all of we wanna to tell what they select, and also difficult to tell why they're select it from the concept of sale_act.

So that might be in Sundanese, and Indonesian Language, except an un_phonetical language: this thinks becoming an idioms of gramatical name: 'Kapita Selekta'.

*The Writer ever studying in Magister: taking an UNINUS Business Law Program since the year of 2012, just a short time and didn't yet registering anymore after sign out statement from there entities of formal education in the 2017. Hope this writings could being a construct for The Writer to preparing some kinds needing if there's a second change for The Writer to being able strating again studying there. Aamiin.